/ How To
Set the email address for all repositories
git config --global user.email
[email protected]
Related How Tos:
Edit the global configuration
Show the currently configured email address
Show the email address configured for a specific location (e.g. worktree, local, global, system)
Show the currently configured user name
Show the user name configured for a specific location (e.g. worktree, local, global, system)
Set the user name for all repositories
Edit the local configuration
Set up the default text editor
Set the user name for the current repository
Set the email address for the current repository
Edit the system configuration
List all the configured variables
Associate Notepad++ as the default editor
Associate VisualStudio Code as the default text editor
Associate TextMate as the default editor
Associate Atom as the default text editor
Associate Sublime Text as the default editor
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